Hi, I'm Ferdi
I started CyclingUp as a Certified Dutch Bicycle Technician that loves helping others

I started my journey as a 16-year-old with a passion for sports. I joined a triathlon club, bought my first race bike, and started doing triathlons. In the years that passed, I purchased many different bikes. I was always looking for the best-priced bikes on marketplace websites, so I could upgrade and resell them. My experience and knowledge of varying bike brands grew, and I started repairing and upgrading the bikes.

A year ago, I decided to make a career switch and quit my job as a Chemical Operator at Shell. Since I wanted to move to Switzerland, I thought that was the right moment to make the switch. It was hard to find a job in Switzerland as an uncertified mechanic. So I started working at 12GO Biking in the Netherlands. They are one of the biggest bike stores in Europe. I am thankful that they gave me the opportunity to start my career as a Bicycle Technician. In the meantime, I was working on my Certificate.

In May, I found a job as a Bicycle Technician in Switzerland. Here I have learned to work with e-bikes that differ from those in the Netherlands. However, The bikestore is limited to e-bikes, and my passion is for performance bikes, so I founded CyclingUp!

With CyclingUp, my goal is to help anyone with bikes and, most importantly, to share my knowledge. I love helping and enabling people to get their full potential out of their bikes and maybe even their Sports!

Our Team

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Laura Croes

Operational Advisor

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